A perfect blend of artistry, craftsmanship and manufacturing know-how

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Buying Guide

Grand piano

MF-V8 瑰宝系列

Model: MF-V8

Parameters: 180cm长度

Features: 触感均衡,宽广的音域以及丰富的音量

MF-V8 瑰宝系列

那是沉淀岁月气息的乐器。 流淌的岁月,洋溢的感情,



Magic Finger
倾注于钢琴的思想 Pour into the thought of piano
Magic Finger Pianos started many years ago as a piano manufacturing company in the East. The people at Magic Finger Pianos don't see the piano as a "finished instrument", but rather as a way to satisfy those who like to play the piano, Magic Finger has always thought about "how to do more with the piano". How to do more with the piano". In pursuit of the ideal sound, the ideal echo, and the ideal way of being, Magic Finger has been exploring various aspects of the piano through technological innovations, material development, and so on. As the world's most beloved piano brand, Magic Finger pianos continue to face the piano with sincerity in order to deliver a rich and colorful playing experience to all over the world.
Magic Finger
匠人精神 Craftsmanship
A piano uses approximately 8,000 parts, most of which are made from natural materials with very different characteristics and unique properties. In order to maximize the characteristics of each material and create the ideal sound, Magic Finger people study and apply each material in depth, and the artistry that emanates from each piano is the result of a delicate balance between traditional craftsmanship, which is utilized to the fullest extent, and advanced production technology, which ensures accuracy. Our unique piano making techniques, developed through more than 100 years of piano making experience, provide people all over the world with reliable quality and a rich and colorful piano playing experience.
Magic Finger
MF-V8 Treasure Series
This elegant and noble grand piano has a balanced touch, wide range and rich volume, which makes it an outstanding piano in its class and brings you unparalleled musical enjoyment. Selected from the finest European raw materials, the piano is handmade by professional craftsmen with great skill. This high-end series with top performance and quality is the best choice for professional players.
Copyright 2021 Liu Jian Art Magic Finger Piano
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