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Beautiful Encounter 丨 "Tatsuya Miyanishi's Picture Book World" 40th Anniversary Exhibition, China Magic Finger Pianist Team Invited to Participate

Source: This station | Release date: 2022-11-11 15:30:13 | View: 11357


■On August 4, a journey of spiritual enlightenment full of artistic flavor was brewing in Building W4 of Beijing Place West: the two-month exhibition of "Tatsuya Miyanishis World of Picture Books," the 40th anniversary of the creation of th…

On August 4, a journey of spiritual enlightenment full of artistic flavor was brewing in Building W4 of Beijing Place West: the two-month exhibition of "Tatsuya Miyanishi's World of Picture Books," the 40th anniversary of the creation of the book, was opened in this treasure of arts and culture!

Mr. Miyanishi's classic scenes such as Red Fruit Grove, Frog's Puddle, Don't Give Up, Tatsuya's Gallery, etc., were carefully presented, restoring a joyful and healing picture book world. This is Mr. Tatsuya Miyanishi's first large-scale solo exhibition in China, and China's Magic Finger Wizard, Li Peiwen, was invited to support the exhibition as a guest performer, together with the Magic Finger piano!

China Magic Finger Wizard / Li Peiwen

Wonderfully, Chinese Magic Finger Wizard Li Peiwen is also a big little fan of Mr. Tatsuya Miyanishi, and he especially likes the work "Love You Forever and Ever" about the greatness of the motherly love of the doting mother Dragon Mother. Traveling all the way from Jiangsu to Beijing to pay tribute to his idol with Mozart's Sonata in C Major K330, Chopin's Etudes on the Black Keys, and Ginastera's Argentinean Dance for the Lovely Maiden is extremely precious and meaningful to Li Peiwen.

One is a naughty boy who loves drawing and painting, and has always insisted on his dream. He started to create picture books when he was a teenager, and has published more than 200 classic picture books and translations that have been sold well in many countries and regions over the past 40 years, and has finally become the "Mr. Tatsuya Miyanishi of the world" with more than one hundred million readers.

A quirky boy, from the age of 3 began to love the piano, and then 4 years of hard work, never give up, 6 years old in China's Magic Finger Elf Junior Pianist Team China tour in the circle of countless fans, toward a more ambitious goal and stage.

Despite having different language environments, different ages and experiences, and different fields of pursuits, the arts are interconnected, and Li Peiwen, the Chinese Magic Finger Wizard, while experiencing the heart-warming world built by Mr. Tatsuya Miyanishi, was also transmitting the positive energies he had received through music and the piano.

An interesting scene is that during the performance of the Chinese Magic Finger Wizard Li Peiwen, many children who came to visit were watching with eyes wide open. The power of music is beyond our imagination, and there may be an arrival of emotion in just a moment. Knowing each other is the most cherished bond between people. Li Peiwen handmade a beautiful little card to send the sunniest and warmest greetings to the children who loved Tatsuya Miyanishi and also loved his performance.

宫西达也极富情感色彩的文字,细腻又极具冲击力的画面,常让读者身临其境;李培文娴熟忘我的演奏,将钢琴音乐的典雅和优美、华贵和明朗在个展现场缓缓展现,让观众沉醉其中。Tatsuya Miyanishi's emotionally charged words and subtle yet impactful images often put readers in the moment; and Li Peiwen's skillful and unselfish performance slowly reveals the elegance and grace of piano music, its splendor and clarity, mesmerizing the audience at the solo exhibition.

Picture books and piano art are in fact similar, they also contain love and kindness, full of joy and healing, and are able to hit the heart, giving us the power to enlighten the mind.

Mr. Tatsuya Miyanishi and China's Magic Finger Wizard are working hard and persevering in their respective fields. Together with the warm colors, words and jumping notes, they help people regain their inner warmth and faith, and accumulate love and hope, and they are changing the world in their own ways.

About Tatsuya Miyanishi


Born in 1956 in Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan, he graduated from the Department of Fine Arts, Faculty of Fine Arts, Nihon University, and after working as a stage artist and graphic designer for puppet theater, he began to create picture books. Drawing inspiration from the childhood memories and child-rearing experiences he keeps in his heart, his works are full of innocence and fun, and are distinguished by their warm and witty stories and strong drawing style.

In addition to his creative work, Tatsuya Miyanishi is also dedicated to the promotion of picture books. He believes that "love, gentleness, and consideration are more important than money and material things." For more than ten years, he has been coming to China almost every year to share his creative ideas with readers all over the world, visiting more than forty cities in China and organizing nearly 200 lectures. With his infectious speaking style, he has gained the favor of countless readers. It can be said that Tatsuya Miyanishi and his works have influenced two whole generations. You Look Like You're Eating" has been performed in China since 2008 and has been staged more than 1,000 times since then. In Japan, the series of heartwarming stories about dinosaurs has been adapted into an animated movie for public release, which is very popular among readers.

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